Monday, December 7, 2009

Blogs I Like and Why

It finally dawned on me after months of dropping by certain blogs to add them to my blog page.  Not only is it easier to visit their site from mine, I can see whether they have updated their blog.  Also, if I want to read something I am now logged onto my own page where I might possibly do some writing myself.  That is the point of this blog thing isn't it?  It makes sense to display others' blogs as well, because the ones I keep reading are the ones that keep writing.  That is motivation for me to stay on it.  Sometimes I struggle with the self starter in me and need a little reminder from the others out there to not be so damn lazy.  We all struggle with this on some level in some area in our lives and need a little kick start.

I see it a bit like a healthy competition.  Blogger (a ) and blogger (b) have completely different styles compared to blogger (c) and myself.  Each blogger is responsible for maintaining their unique approach to their blog.  I visit these blogs because I like their differences in format and the way that they read.  I don't compare one with the other because I get satisfaction out of each blog in various ways.  Some may have a rigid structure, or personal system of rules that they apply to each post and others may be a bit more off the cuff.  I like different writing styles.

For instance, so far I have chosen to follow four blogs.  Each blog satisfies a different personal interest or taste.  My friends Kahi and Louise are galavanting around the world in search of surf and sights.  Their blog 'Scribbles Abroad' allows me to travel with them and read about their adventures while looking at beautiful photographs throughout.  They actually changed the format of their earlier entries that consisted of way more writing and a few pictures, but decided friends would rather see wonderful pictures with detailed captions describing the photos.

Then there are the three Korea based blogs that I consistently enjoy.  I will be joining the likes of these three bloggers in a different part of Korea teaching English and documenting my journey, so naturally I wanted to read up on others experiences.  There are so many to choose from, but I find these three, out of hundreds- if not thousands, satisfying in their own unique way.  I am attracted to their writing style and personalities for whatever reasons that seem to please me when I read them.

'An Idiot's Tale' is one blog that I get a kick out of.  The author reminds me of a married Bukowski type character who is blunt, foul and witty with no filler.  It is a light hearted blog that reflects his daily routine with the antics that come with being a "white devil" married to a Korean woman with two little half breed spawn.  He writes in short sentences like Chinaski and makes me laugh.

Another Korea blogger who I enjoy is a Scotsman who pen's 'Korean Rum Diary'.  I was instantly drawn to his critical views and detailed, introspective writing about why he finds Korea wrong in many ways.  He is satisfyingly negative at times.  There are photos here and there as well.  I feel the need to read him so as to remind myself to lighten-up once I am in the thick of things overseas.  I relate to him in so many personality traits.  I read him to prepare myself and not freak out when I run into the well documented scenarios he rants about that seem inevitable in Korea.  I want to keep my wits about me, keep my job and do my best to not rock the boat.  This is something that I have a history of not being good at.  I am a critical, cynical bastard myself and I am trying tone it down a bit.  If we met in the streets of Daegu, I imagine we would raise hell together.

The third Korea blogger I find to be very informative writes, 'Sorry I Was Drunk'.  He is a native Korean who has attended school and lived in the US and Korea.  His unique perspective of life growing up in both places provides introspection about Korean culture that a white Westerner might not understand.  Also, he is fluent in both languages and he writes well thought-out comparisons of East and West.  His posts are very long at times, but I enjoy reading so this is a plus.  He posts some very interesting links relative to the topics he chooses to discuss, as do the the others.

 Now maintaining my blog is a different animal.  My writing might pull from various places from where  these favorite blogs of mine derive, but it is up to me to keep at it.  The pressure one puts on one's self lay in the format which one has chosen to manage their own blog.  But the competition factor stems from seeing the commitment that others have made to their blog regardless of what the subject matter is.  That having been said, I would like to thank the bloggers who have inspired me to take up such a commitment oriented task that I now feel obligated to maintain, because of their commitment to the craft.  I do plan to make my blog more appealing, adding pictures and possibly links when I see fit later as well.  I appreciate the inspiration people.  Mahalo.

It is also important for me to clarify statements made in earlier posts regarding how I am going to handle life in Korea once I am over there.  While it is completely necessary that I believe in myself to handle what comes my way in the most mature and calm manner, it is a well known fact that in the face of such situations, it is easier said than done.  There is no real way to prepare myself for life in a foreign country that is so blatantly different to the West.  Of this I am aware.  I simply needed to outline my approach on how I should handle myself as a reminder.  I probably should print and paste a "Rules of Engagement" manifesto to my studio apartment wall upon arrival.  Smile, nod your head, keep your mouth shut, breathe...   


  1. On the observation of control on yourself: I am quite interested to hear any sorts of problems you have in this endeavor. Do tell when (note: not "if") this time comes.

    It is among my ambitions to make my way to Korea as well despite the overall depiction about which I have read throughout many sources.

    I wish you luck with both this blog and your coming travels.

  2. Galinaros, thanks for the correction... I am surprised that I didn't write "if and when" in regards to the inevitable... Thanks for the well wishes and I look forward to future comments from you.
